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How to maximize your pack luck?

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Bydlisko: Newyork

PríspevokZaslal: 09. Dec 2017 13:12    Predmet: How to maximize your pack luck? Odpovedať s citátom


Might be a dumb question but has anyone noticed any kind of pattern? Like opening packs as soon as theyre available, the order you open them?

Today we're getting our FUT Champs monthly and weekly rewards and Id simply like to get the best of it, just as anyone.

Ive been (moderately) lucky with my first three weekly reward packs. Got Alderweireld, Oblak and a few IF cards. From this moment I got nothing special the following weeks. Ive missed one weekend in October so I ended Silver 1 and got 2 shit red IF cards.

Ive been playing all November and ended monthly gold 2 which Im quite happy with as Ive never done this good last year but that will probably my last time playing it every weekend for a full month.

Pure bad luck or EA controlling my luck, thats not my question, just wanted to know if you feel like youve found some dirty tricks to have more luck.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

great explainer videos
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